Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gettin' Started

Welcome to our blog! This blog is the brainchild of 7 friends (3 biological sisters, a mother/daughter team and 2 friends, who are all sisters through Christ) who enjoy a plethora of fun! Whether it's Bible study, craft nights, swapping recipes, or checking out the latest decorating genius (or mishap!) we enjoy spending time together no matter what it is. We are so blessed!

In that vein, we thought, why not share our talents with the world? We all have something unique to offer and can't wait to have a bonafide avenue to share our recipes, crafts, and general monologues (good or bad!). Where will we find the time? Well, with so many of us, you'll see one post a week from each sister. (At least that's the plan...). We hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!

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