Monday, July 26, 2010

Green Thumb

My ambition for this summer was to plant a garden, I have always wanted to do it but it just seemed overwhelming with everything else on my plate. So this year I was determined! My Dad helped me build my garden in the early spring time and we planted the vegetables that same day. After a few scary nights of making sure my baby plants were covered with blankets due to some unexpected frost, (next year I'll be sure to plant them at the end of may) I was extremely surprised to see how well my garden did. I mean... did I plant GIANT plant seeds and not realize it? My little girl asked me if the bean plants were going to grow as tall as the sky so she could climb them. I mean seriously! In total we planted green and yellow beans, green and yellow squash, butternut squash, cherry tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes and eggplant. My plants grew so big, that my squash plants are now growing outside the garden. Who would have thought! So now I have more zucchini and yellow squash than I ever expected, and don't know what to do with it. Any ideas?? Please post! :)

My garden right after planting in may!

My giant squash and beans!


  1. I just made zucchini bread today! It's so delicious, easy, and kids love it. Here's the recipe I used:

    Your garden looks great! We only did green beans and tomatoes this year, but we're hoping to try a few more things next year.

  2. Here are two yummy ideas I came across the other day:

    You can always share some zucchini with me too! ;) ~*S*~


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