Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to be the Life of the Campground!

Canoeing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, hiding peanuts for the chipmunks, boardgames, campfires, s'mores, shopping at the Life is Good store, hiking... there are so many fun activities we enjoy on our annual camping trip in the Adirondacks. We have been so many times that most activities have become traditions for Lulu, her brother and their cousins. Two activities in particular are so anticipated that we believe they make us the most fun people in the entire campground!!!

Nana and Grandpa set out on a canoeing adventure!

Lulu and her aunt kayaking. Queens of the lake!

Lulu fishing off the rock in our campsite with her brother and cousins

First is the construction of the biggest, bestest sandcastle EVER! All you need is a non-rainy day, different sized containers, cups and buckets, a nice beach spot at water's edge and lots of imagination! This year's final creation was a mile-high castle with a sea-side village and an Egyption pyramid off to the side! It got a lot of attention and compliments from other campers at the beach.
The castle in progress

The finished masterpiece!

Our second tradition involves more glow sticks than you can imagine! In past years we have had as many as 200 glow sticks to split between the four kids but this year we purchased 400 glow sticks! We start at about 6:00 pm to allow 1 hour for cracking and sorting and 1 hour for decorating ourselves (everything from necklaces, bracelets and belts to balls, leg wraps and glasses!). Then for 2 hours we walk around like our own light parade. Kids go crazy over seeing the "the glow stick people"! We pass out extras to the kids in other campsites and many pictures are taken! Parents love our idea and many say they will be bringing glow sticks on their next camping trip! Lulu says it's her favorite night of our trip! FYI for the best deal we ordered packs of 100 glow sticks off of Amazon. The packs included connectors to make glasses, balls and triple bracelets.

All decked out!

Lulu's smile for the week: Doing a flip on the bar at the playground!
Lulu's frown for the week: Daddy longlegs spiders in the bathroom!

Nel's smile for the week: No TV or video games for 5 days!
Nel's frown for the week: Lots of dirty laundry that smells like campfire!


  1. Can I come camping with you next time???!?!! ~*S*~

  2. i gotta tell ya for a non-camper girl you make it look so fun! there any ritz carlton's around Nick's lake? :) ♥J.

  3. Precious!!!! Wish more families would get away from all the electronics and enjoy such natural and down to earth time together.....Bob


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