Monday, August 23, 2010

Children are God's Gift

God has blessed my life so abundantly with children; two beautiful little girls. With their big brown eyes and beautiful smiles, all I do sometimes is just look at them and see the wonder and beauty of our Lord God. It is simply amazing to me. Every day I search myself and ask myself "Am I teaching them God's way?", "Are they going to grow up to love Jesus?", "Will they be wonderful mothers and wives?", "Will they have a love for people?". I think the best advice I ever received on how to raise children was when someone told me to pray for them, pray for them everyday. Another great piece of advice I received was of course from my mom when she bought me this book called Shepherding a Child's Heart. I am only half way through it but it has been such a blessing and encouragement to me. Raising children is probably the hardest, scariest, most loving and rewarding thing I will ever do in my life. However, I will need all of the guidence, grace and patience God will grant me!
My verse of the week: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Leia's saying of the week: After watching Snow White Leia had something to say about the evil queen. "Mom... that's a bad lady....she has no beeping in her heart."

1 comment:

  1. we got that book for a wedding gift 11 years ago(from our best man of all people?)and it's still on my shelf...thanks for reminding me of it...tell me what you think when your done, i would like to hear :) ♥J.


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