Monday, August 16, 2010

The Real Birthday Cake

Well, here she is folks! The Real Birthday Cake for my little girls 4th birthday. I only spent all night decorating it, but was very proud of the result in the end. I simply followed the directions in my previous post on my practice cake, I followed the same directions. I know my little girl liked it too, maybe a little more that the seven sisters did! This time, I put a real barbie inside. I had to rubber band her feet to her knees so that she would fit, because lets be honest, barbie is a little taller than the average gal! My daughter was so pleased that she actually got to keep the barbie after we ate the cake. I even wrapped her outfit in a little box for a little present.

The full view of the sleeping beauty cake
Favorite verse of the week: Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Ps. 51:10
Favorite saying from Little L: (While daddy was trying to teach her chemistry. Daddy: "Leia, do you know what hydrogen is, it's like air only lighter. Leia: "Oh Daddy, I know how to 'hide your chin', watch this".


  1. how does one hide their chin??? hehe ~*S*~

  2. Great job Mar! Not only did the cake look delicious, it tasted delicious! Best tasting dress I've had all month!

  3. was yummy're a wonderful baker Mar...♥J.


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