Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We ♥ the Beach too...

...let's see...sand in everything, giant attacker bumblebees, boogie boardin', sharks (no really, sharks...), ummmm....little crabs that pop up on the fly, sticky sticky sunscreen (it was close to 100 everyday in NC) and memories...lots & lots of memories, make for one great summer vacation...(chick-fil-A certainly helped too)...we were digging and scooping sand at the shoreline (while waiting for the sharks to go away) when i pointed out to the girls that God knows the very number of sand specks on the whole beach, "can you believe that?!?!"...and on every other beach in the world...wow...my 7 yr old thought that was "un-understandable" and my 4 yr old just said "sissy...it's cause He's God"....yeah...'cause He's God...just plain and simple...child-like faith is all it takes to know & love our Savior...why do we make it so complicated?...and it's in those quick everyday moments we can share our Jesus with our kids, our family or whoever comes along...it's just that simple...and what's amazing to me is that if He cares about the sand!?!...then thinkin' about how much more He cares for us!?!...♥ Psalm 139 v.17&18 says..."how precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!...if i should count them, they are more in number than the sand...."....wow crazy stuff...needless to say the ocean was testament once again of His beautiful creation and how it beckons us to draw closer to Him...as for the sandy/crunchy bologna & cheese sandwiches...well those were just testament to the beach and how really true it is that sand was in every little thing...and there was nothing we could do about it....it was just that simple....

love ya'll! (everyone is a Paula Dean down south :)


  1. If only we could find a way to incorporate the sharks into Mar's fish stick recipe!

  2. "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." (3 John vs.4). Wonderful, heartfelt encouragement for our faith in Christ. To all "Seven Sisters", thank you for being such a refreshing oasis in all this sand!!!.........Bob

  3. It truly was a BLESSING-YOU ALL plus the SAND, SHARKS and BEES. Great article J!
    Gardening Grandma


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