Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the most spectacular day

It's a Friday on a warm September day and I don't have to work. I wake up to the smell of the hubs' never-to-be-bested scrambled eggs and bacon cooking in the kitchen. Feelin’ comfy in my sweatpants and t-shirt, I join him for a tasty breakfast that’s topped off with some swiss miss hot cocoa with whipped cream on top. Underneath my plate after I finish eating, surprise! A love note from him! xoxo

After breakfast we lay around on the couch and probably watch the nothnagle show of homes because it’s the only thing on while we talk about what we want to do that day. Then it’s time for a long hot shower (as long as I want!!) and another comfy tee, jeans, and… flip flops or sneakers? The best day is all about the perfect outfit too.

It’s probably about just the right time for a long walk along the canal with the doggies, and then to Abe’s for an honest meal (I’ll bring along a gluten free burger bun, unless on the best day ever, they have them already….not likely, but it’s MY best day, right?). We’ll scarf down our lunch out on the patio picnic benches with the dogs beggin’ for every last morsel (and ok, they get a few).

After the long walk and lunch, it’s definitely time for a pedicure with the girls (aka my sisters and mom). My nailpolish color is going to be navy blue (hubs’ favorite color) and the pedicure is naturally followed by a trip to Starbucks for double chocolaty chip frappachinos. I’m feeling tired, but beautiful by this point (I hope I chose flip flops…) so it must be time to go home to the hubs!

When I get home, I decide to bake peanut butter brownies in my lovely kitchen, and while their baking, crochet a little while in some peace and quiet. Once the brownies are done cooking (and have been taste-tested for quality), it’s time to bring them to the beach to meet up with friends to grill out and watch the sun set (on the perfect day, this would consist of the seven sisters, old college roomies, fam, etc…).

There’s frisbee (and I’m good at it), gluten free s’mores, pink lemonade, a bonfire, etc. Basically a lot of food, fun, and fellowship! At the end of the day, right at sunset, there’s a glamorous fireworks display, while we’re all sitting on big blankets, on the beach, ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing.’ It’s the perfect ending to my perfect day.

Now, who's coming along?p.s. toasty marshmallows inbetween oreo's are pretty darn yummy....


  1. Hey, that's me holding the marshmallow oreo cookie!

    Your day sounds wonderful and I'd definitely join in at the end :) (and speaking of brownies, I'm eating one right now!)


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