Friday, October 15, 2010

A Laundry Tale

This was a busy week so I will share a simple story. It is a little bit comedy and a little bit tragedy. It is a story about fabric softener...

A couple weeks ago, a friend of mine at work smelled AMAZING and I asked her what perfume she was wearing. She said she wasn't wearing any and as we sniffed her (we've known each other a long time!) we realized it was her shirt! She had just washed it and it smelled so good! She said she used Snuggle fabric softener, the original liquid, in the washer. I was hooked. Who knew Snuggle was so wonderful? Do any of the sisters use it? I was a Downy user for years, and I don't even know why, except maybe there are more coupons for Downy out there and I always feel better if I use a coupon. So, I added Snuggle to my shopping list, anxious to switch and have amazing smelling clothes too!

So, naturally, the grocery store that I frequent (which will remain nameless) does not stock the original Snuggle liquid fabric softener. J, does this surprise you?? Of course not, but that is a story for another blog. So, I kinda forgot about the Snuggle until I was Sam's Club and spotted it there. Well, let me tell you, this jug of Snuggle is the granddaddy of all containers, huge and heavy with a spout on each side! The label said it would soften 187 loads! Jackpot. I got it home and gleefully did a lot of laundry. My sheets smell so good this week!

Then came the fateful day, Lulu and I were starting a project for school and the washer was going and we heard a rather loud boom. We went to the laundry room to investigate and apparently the motion of the washer had knocked my glorious jug of Snuggle off and onto the floor. Let me tell you that I honestly have never seen a bigger mess in my life. The cap had shattered, there was fabric softener splashed up the wall, all over the door and the jug was on the rug where all but about 5 of the 187 loads of liquid had glugged out on to the floor!!! I was kinda speechless. Lulu looked at me and said, "Mom, I feel really bad for you!" I felt bad for me too!

As with any big mess, with a lot of mopping and wiping and rinsing eventually it is gone, along with the rug. I just rolled it up (it was saturated), put it in a garbage bag and into the garbage tote it went. So now I guess I'm not quite as excited about my new fabric softener since it was ALL I could smell in the entire house for a couple days! But as a bonus now my garbage tote smells pretty good too! Ah, such is life!
Nel's smile for the week: S's high fashion was great!
Nel's frown for the week: I am pretty sure I ate too much this week to fit into the high fashion dress that S picked for me!
Where, oh, where is our Lulu??
Lulu's smile for the week: She auditioned to be part of a small vocal ensemble at school and got it!
Lulu's frown for the week: someone took her granola bar! It was her after school, before swim practice snack and someone took it when she set it down by her water bottle! Hungry thieves!

1 comment:

  1. NooooOOOOooo! That stinks (or smells good?)! I feel bad for you as well. Yay for your smile for the week! :D


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