Monday, November 22, 2010

Giving Thanks: Girls Pilgrim Bonnet Tutorial

I just love love love stitch witchery. As I have said before I have no sewing skills whatsoever. Someday I would absolutely love to learn, but as for right now I'll have to stick with my fabulous stitch witchery.

Little L spent a wonderful day with her Aunt S yesterday. They spent the day playing fashion designer!!! How Fun!!! Little L drew a picture of a dress that she wanted to wear, picked out the fabric from Aunt S's fabric collection, and then patiently waited while Aunt S sewed it all together for her. (Without even having a pattern for a dress... props to Aunt S!!!) Little L couldn't have been more thrilled. It turned out looking like an adorable pilgrim dress. Which was perfect because Little L had her Thanksgiving party today at preschool. When Little L got home from Aunt S's yesterday I thought it would be so cute if she had a little pilgrim bonnet to match. However, I didn't have the right size paper to make her a paper bonnet. I did however, have leftover fabric that matched the kind S used. The only problem is I can't sew, but I did have stitch witchery. Problem solved!! From start to finish this fun project only took me 18 minutes to complete.

To begin:

First measure your fabric and make cuts as shown
(I cut my fabric a little bigger to make room for the hem, see below )

Once the edges are all hemmed advance to the next step.

Once it is secured the two folds will be connected to each other with the stitch witchery

After folding the bottom up fold it back down again to form a band so that the front side of the fabric is facing you. See below.

Once completed hot glue ribbon into place and viola project complete

*Tip for using stitch witchery: Make sure your iron is really really hot and your towel is pretty damp, it is all the hot steam that activates the stitch witchery. You'll know if your iron isn't hot enough or your cloth isn't damp enough because the stitch witchery won't turn into a glue and stick.


  1. she's the most fashionable pilgrim i've ever seen! ~*(aunt)S*~

  2. Yes 'S' little 'L' was the best dressed pilgrim at the party today! And the runway walk was a big hit also:)

  3. Really cute guys!! I see a "Pilgrim Wear" line of clothing coming to the Free Spirit store in the future! She looks soooo cute!! Nel ☺

  4. This is so cute!! I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


  5. This is a really adorable and beautiful bonnet! I am a community management assistant at You should consider submitting this as an entry to our Sew Warm Challenge.

    You can check out the contest here:

    I would be happy to feature it on our site if you decide to post the instructions there and help get it noticed among our 13 million visitors. Let me know if you have any questions!

  6. Super cute! Now, I just need to adapt it to sewing it, because ironically enough I found the iron instructions confusing in my slightly sleep deprived state.

  7. How does it go from a triangle shape to a square. Something is missing


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