Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a proverbs 31 challenge

 A Proverbs 31 woman is sweeter than cheesecake. 
find this yummy cheesecake recipe @ everyday art
(gluten free via Bob's Red Mill All Purpose GF Flour and organic vanilla..
also i don't have a spring form pan and just cooked the crust in a glass pie dish)

If you've never read Proverbs 31, I encourage you to do so now!

I love reading this passage and challenging myself to be that Proverbs 31 woman.  It would make my day week year if someone said that I was a Proverbs 31 woman (or at least striving to be?) :).  I can think of a lot of wonderful women in my life who remind me of this woman, and who challenge me to be a better wife, daughter, sister, woman and friend.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could show honor to these women in our lives?

Enter a cute little printable I made to download and give to those Proverbs 31 women that you know!  Download it for free HERE! In honor of ♥J's birthday, and because she's definitely one of those encouraging ladies in my life, I've already written one up for her.. Happy Birthday ♥J!!!

So here's the Proverbs 31 Woman, Seven Sisters, Pay it Forward challenge for today... print out the freebie and give to three women in your life who you would like to encourage and bless by letting them know they are an encouragement to you as a Proverbs 31 woman!  I've got one down and two to go!

Happy giving!!

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  1. I love this and can completely relate to your longing to be a Proverbs 31 girl. This is such a great way to let the women in our lives know how special and loved they are, by us and by God. Thank you for this wonderful post! If you check out my post from this evening then you will see how YOUR post came at just the right time :)

  2. my dearest free spirit...i am unworthy of such a compliment...but touched that you would think of me as a Prov.31 woman...anything good you see through all my wretchedness is, and only is, our Jesus ♥ you bless me with a consistent, trustworthy and intentional were almost a sister-in-law, always a sister in Christ...♥J.


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