Saturday, April 23, 2011

He's Not Here...♥

He is not here! 
He has risen, just as he said. 
Come and see the place where he lay...
Matthew 28:6 

Random side note: check out these cutie pattooties!! 

I made these out of Turkey Hill 1/2 gallon plastic iced tea jugs, but the original instructions were for 1 gallon milk jugs...those were neat, but these are super cute & little...they measure 4" high by 4" wide...perfect for trinkets...
and super free!!

Find the original instructions here at Family Fun

Happy Easter Sunday!

linking to:


All Things Heart and Home 


  1. what a great idea! thanks for passing it along!

  2. What a neat idea! I'm going to check out the instructions, now -- thanks!


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