Monday, April 18, 2011

Jelly Bean Prayer Tutorial

As my sisters and I have mentioned before, 4 out of the 7 of us work in a program for kids called Cubbies. It is at our church and we all work in the 4 year old classroom. Once a week we spend time with all these little four yearolds and teach them about Jesus. Around every holiday we try and do something special for the specific kids at each of our tables. I have four little girls at my table and needed to think up something for Easter. I decided to do a project with the Jelly Bean Prayer. I love how each color of Jelly Beans tells the story of Christ, and kids seem to love it. I found a great printable from Mama-Jenn, check it out, it is my favorite so far out of all the ones I've seen. Now this project is very simple, but a great and fun way to teach kids about Resurrection Sunday.

Jelly Beans
Canning Jars
Hole Punch
Jelly Bean Fabric (found mine at Joann's)

Step 1: Cut out your Jelly Bean Prayer Printable

Step 2: Fill your jars with Jelly Beans (I like to do rows of colors to go along with the poem)

Step 3: Cut out square swatches of fabric and place them on top of the canning jar lid, screw on the lid.

Step 4: Hole punch a corner of the printable and with your ribbon secure it around the lid.

 TA DA Finished!!

John  11:25,26,
 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and 
the life: he that believeth in me, though he were 
dead, yet shall he live:
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?




  1. What a cute idea! I really like that!

    My daughter who is now a senior in HS was in cubbies (and then Sparks)and I can still remember the little song "we are awana cubbies, we're happy all day long, we know that Jesus loves us, that's why we sing this song." Thanks for bringing back memories of that great organization!

  2. So sweet!! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  3. Mar, these are really cute, I love the jelly bean fabric! perfect! Nel ☺


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