Friday, April 29, 2011

A Recipe Index...Finally!

Happy Friday!! Did anyone set their alarms extra early this morning to watch the Royal Wedding?? In honor of that fine occasion, please read this post with an English your head, I mean, 'cause I only write in American! ☺

I have a problem with stuff, as in... I have too much of it. I also have an issue with organization, as in...I have too little of it. I also have an on going conflict between the things I WANT to do (crafts) and the things I really SHOULD be doing (cleaning/organizing). But, this week the crafting stars and the get-organized stars aligned!

I have a food magazine that comes in the mail that I really do love. I LOVE looking through it and I do actually try many of the recipes! The problem is, I have been receiving said magazine since 2003 and I have saved them all! I have the space to store them (kinda) but, now that there are so many it has become impossible to actually find a recipe a second time. So, a couple of years ago I started putting tabs on the recipes I thought sounded good.

Except, there were so many recipes that sounded good, I ended up with out of control tabbing!! And I still had the problem that once I make a recipe and want to make it again, I can't find it easily. I needed an index!

Totally out of control tabbing, where are the tabbing police? The English would say "that's a lot of bloody tabs!"
 So, here is the plan...I bought a stack of spiral bound index cards (in neon colors, nice and happy). Then I dolled it up with scrap book paper on the front and back, a sticker and some trim. I tied ribbons on the spirals just for cuteness.

Then I added adhesive file labels to make four sections...dips, sides, main dishes and desserts. Dips will include any appetizers, I just couldn't fit that many letters on the tab!

So, here are the rules (for me, you can all do whatever you want☺)...for a recipe to make it into the index I have to actually make the recipe and have it family approved. This is an index of tried and true recipes, not just a wish list. But, once I know it's something I will make again, I add it to the index along with the issue, year and page number.

So, I still have to go through a lot of issues and find my favorite recipes but then I am good to go. Ahhh, there is peace and harmony in recipe land. Such a small thing but a problem solved nonetheless.

Lulu and I have decided to retire our "smiles and frowns for the week". We are going to switch it up and start sharing the "best thing we ate this week!"☺
So, here it is...the best thing we ate this week was a sandwich that has no name because I made it up! I bought these delicious ciabatta rolls from Sam's. They were the Member's Mark brand Artisan European Ciabatta Rolls. They were soft on the inside and crusty on the outside and oh, so yummy. I split them and spread pesto on each side, then put fresh sliced tomatoes on one half and baby spinach leaves on the other. Then I put a slice of mozzarella cheese on each side and put it all under the broiler until the cheese melted. We had them for dinner with a green salad. Yum! It was the BEST thing we ate this week!!

 Until next Friday...


  1. I love how organized your tabs are! :) I became a follower of your blog! :) Erin


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