Wednesday, May 4, 2011

free mother's day printable and a story

When my sisters and I were little girls, my aunt came to live with us for a time.  We lived in a big, big house  so there was plenty of room for everyone.  I loved having her live with us because it provided a different adult to interact with day by day.  And I knew, even though she technically had the ability to punish me if I was naughty, she was more likely to "let it slide" (let's just say, she knew how to make peas disappear from a dinner plate for you).

Of course I loved my mom, but it's safe to say every child has a different relationship with a mom versus an aunt.  I love when my niece, little L says I'm the best when I bring her chocolate cake (or a rock, she's not particular, haha).  Her Aunt Jenn and I can keep her pretty happy.  She loves us both, though in a different way than she loves her own mommy - who she loves the most!

Back to the point; my aunt was still young (16 she told me, but that was a lie!!), and didn't have any children of her own.  At school, in art class around Mother's Day, my class and I all got to make cards for our moms.  I made my mom a very pretty card, but I also had the ingenious idea to make my aunt a card as well.  I knew she wasn't a mom herself, but she was a woman in my life who I looked up to and she cared for me, so in a way I felt she may think of herself as a mom at heart.  If that was the case, then in my eyes, she deserved a card!

I was so excited about how smart I was to think to make a card for my aunt, that as soon as I got home from school, I ran to her room and proudly presented her with a Mother's Day card.  As you can imagine, this caused a slight drama with my real mom who thought I had just given my aunt HER Mother's Day card! But not so, I was one smart cookie, and there had just been a slight misunderstanding, and my mom also got her own beautiful card as well.  Crisis averted, hehe.

I know my aunt still has that card I made her to this day. At least, that's what she tells me. :)  She was touched that I somehow tapped in to the fact that even though someone doesn't have children, it doesn't mean they don't feel like they're a mom, or that they're a mom at heart.

Thanks for letting me share a little tidbit of life, and for all the "moms at heart" on Mother's Day, enjoy this free printable I had some fun whipping up!  Frame it, use it as a bookmark, or fold in half and give as a card to someone you think would be a great mom :)

Happy (early) Mother's Day to my own mom! And to my lovely mom-in-law! And to my Aunt R :)


  1. awww. too cute S...i distinctly remember cherry tomatoes also disappearing from plates as well..hehe!!

  2. My Aunts are so special to me, so this is near & dear to my heart...thanks S.

  3. Hi S,
    I read your blog from May 4 and I was very touched by it. I remember very well the time I stayed with you all. I have many fond memories from that time and one of my fondest is the Mother’s day card you gave me, and yes, I do still have it. I did and still do feel like a mother to you and my other nieces and nephews and appreciate you reminding me how special it is to be a Mom at heart. One thing you may not remember is how all you kids touched Granma Bernice. She was not able to be involved in her grand children’s lives as much as she wanted to when we were young, so when the opportunity came to be a part of her great grand children’s she did so with a lot of enthusiasm. She loved seeing you kids and had very special memories of you. She was touched that your mom gave you her name and she was touched that you took her into your heart so readily and lovingly. You also made her feel like a Mom at heart.

    Being a mother is an experience I will never have, but my heart is not empty because of it, I have you and all my other nieces and nephews to make me feel like a Mom at heart. Thank you for the Mother’s day card, I will always treasure it.
    All my love
    Aunt R


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