Saturday, June 18, 2011

a mod podged pantry...say what? ♥

well happy weekend sisters...this week i was in a weird zone...yeah, i repeat weird...
i made the yardstick crates to organize my pantry...except when i went to organize my pantry it was lookin' kinda sad...blah...

oh...hey's just you...
you need a little pick-me-up
if my pantry could talk...i woulda heard..."great" (in an Eeyore sounding voice)
that's when weird ideas start to come from left off we went my pantry and i...on an adventure jaime style...(go big or go home) i was just gonna bust out some paint and a brush...boring...when i remembered seeing this in my pottery barn catalog:

i know it's kinda hard to make out, but the wall is papered with old boat blue prints...genius!
'cept i have no old blueprints of nautical nature and i kinda wanted to do this project chipper chicken style" (any Father of the Bride fans out there with me?) ...that's when i thought of sewing pattern that i had plenty of, a huge bunch dated from the 60's...i musta raided an old lady's stash a couple years back at a yardsale...

and of course some mod podge...(cough cough) 
well alot of mod 2 and half bottles

i started at the top and spread some MP on the wall then spread the paper out over it...WARNING...because the paper is so thin as soon as it's wet from the MP it becomes very fragile and stretchy...but here's how it turned out...

well hello pantry! where have you been all my life?

all total it took me about 3 hours to do the whole pantry, 
then decided to add the flower decals for some color...

weird huh? but it's really growing on me :) 
i'll take more pics when it's all done and full of pretties...

Linking To ♥



  1. What a lovely pantry. Thank you so much for your comment. Tone

  2. That is amazing!! I never even thought about putting paper up on the back of the wall of ours! This will be a great project for August here, when it's too hot to move (and you are stuck inside all month!).

  3. Just saw this on TT and J. Awesome idea!

  4. This project turned out really well. I love your take on it even better than the inspiration.

  5. Wow! That's impressive! I never would have thought to do the pantry.

  6. super cute! do you have a tutorial on the little box you made?

  7. Chessa!
    I do! It's up on the blogroll in the sidebar called "a crate made out of yardsticks" ...check it out! hope you make some :)

  8. Great job! I have to say, just yesterday as I stood at my character lacking pantry I thought I could Mod Podge something in there. Then I thought I was crazy. Seeing your creative boldness has inspired me, thank you! Glad I stumbled upon you at this exact moment!

  9. LOVE this! Featured it here:

  10. Wow, what a great idea and job! Love it!!
    I would love it if you shared this at {nifty thrifty sunday}!
    Hope to see you there!

  11. Wow. Great idea. A fantastic transformation.

    Madison xxx

  12. That is cute! I never would have thought of that, but now my wheels are churning! Really nice job!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  13. You must be very happy now every time you open those pantry doors! Fun project!


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