Tuesday, July 12, 2011

pinterest round-up ♥

i am officially addicted to pinterest
...it's the best thing since sliced bread (with some nutella on it)
here are some of my favorite summer-time projects...

i stumbled upon this caddy at Target long before i saw it on 
and bought one for art supples, patio table essentials and bathroom supplies for my 2 girls...
she took it to new heights with the chalkboard paint!!

since i'm in love with anything aluminum cans...i love this craft! 
...that kids all ages can help with...and it's free!!

...how cute are these? again, easy & free.99$

got stale cheerios? i usually do somewhere...why? i have no idea...

don't these look so cute?! ...i mean fun... make up a bunch in just a couple secs :)

this is so fun on safety pins strung on a necklace...you could really do any color combinations...i have a soft spot for the rainbow ♥ 
(this lady is super amazing...lots of cool ideas)

these look so yummy...from the Idea Room

so simple and cute stacked together

last but not least a summer bucket list...

i love love love this board from whatever
...i found one at a garage sale just like it and it's my project for the week, to get it up and everything listed with my new chalkboard markers

hurry! you still have most of July & August to do a bucket list with your kids!
it makes me feel like we're accomplishing some summer fun 
as the days fly by...
why do they fly by so fast?

much summer crafty love ... ♥


  1. I frequently have stale Cheerios sitting around, as well! (Do you think birds would like the Honey Nut variety?...)

    Stopping by from the DIY Show Off--your projects are fabulous! :)

  2. newest follower from guest post over at diy!

    visiting from http://imnotatrophywife.com


Please leave us comments because it makes us feel all fuzzy inside.