Thursday, August 12, 2010

What the husband hath baked!

So, I have to admit, I am not a very crafty person. I have to really try hard on crafting / baking ideas, so this blog is a real challenge for me!

However, I couldn't ignore my husbands wonderful cooking and he deserves to be recognized. He made these beautiful and delicious cobblers! I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband that prefers to cook!

We ate them with some family and everyone agreed that the Zucchini cobbler was the best. I know what your thinking, Zucchini? Sweet? In a cobbler? Well, if your not up for trying it, may I have your piece? I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

I was helping my Grandpa move after my Grandma passed and came upon some old recipe books of hers. One in particular was an old family handmade cookbook. The first recipe in the book was a "Happiness Cake"

Happiness Cake

1 Cup Good Thoughts
1 Cup Kind Deeds
1 Cup Consideration for Others
2 Cups Sacrifice
3 Cups Forgiveness
2 Cups Well-Beaten Faults
Mix Thoroughly: Add Tears of Joy, Sorrow and Sympathy
Flavor with Kindly Service and Love
Fold in 4 Cups of Faith and Prayer

After pouring all this into your daily life, bake well with the heart of human kindness.
Serve with a smile any time, and it will satisfy the hunger of starved souls.


  1. Both of those look delicious! I think we need recipes posted : ) haha (or at least I do).

  2. Awesome post Jenn! i love the title, hehe. when are we getting more house updates?!?! ~*S*~

  3. Jenn, you've got this in the bag. I don't think any of us could have posted about something our husbands baked! Love it! Nel&Lulu ☺

  4. Jenn do you remember the recipe book you wrote in preschool!!!! HAHA makes me laugh to even think about need to post that recipe!!! too funny! ~Mar*

  5. yes, we want to know what the preschool recipe is? :) the peach cobbler looks soooo that coming to Bible study tonight? :)


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