Thursday, October 14, 2010

Did I mention I love Acorn Squash?

So, I may have mentioned before that I love acorn squash (Yum!) This time, it's Acorn Squash Soup. It was so delicious, I made it twice! (P.S. - This is what I'm bringing to your house on Friday S). I have never made soup before (besides what you open up from a can) and I always thought it was really hard so I let that discourage myself from even trying. Last Sunday, my husband left to go tend his Father's store and left me in charge of dinner. What was I to do! (I know, kinda sad). He had the recipe all picked out and just told me to follow the directions. So I did! The soup turned out so delicious, I made it again.

Here is the recipie in case you were interested:

2 Large Acorn Squash
1 Large Onion
1 Cup Rice
1 Celery Stalk (chopped)

4 Cups Water
2 Cups Milk
4 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil
Pinch Sugar
Salt / Pepper to Taste
Chopped Parsley
1 Parsnip (the recipe didn't call for this, I added it and it gave the soup an additional nutty flavor that was so yummy)

The directions say to peel the squash and cut it into cubes, but lets be honest, have you ever tried to peel a squash? They are so tough on the outside. I softened them up a bit by boiling them in water for a bit and then cutting them up.

Place squash in soup pot and add the chopped onion, rice, celery, parsnips and water. Cook soup, covered, over medium heat until vegetables are tender.

Blend soup in a blender. Reheat soup and add milk, oil, sugar, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley just before serving. Serve Hot.


  1. This sounds delicious! It's a cool, rainy day here in NC today, I wish I had all the ingredients to make it for tonight! Will definitely give it a try this weekend, though : ) Thanks for the recipe!



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