Tuesday, October 19, 2010


♥...it seems like were getting into a little holiday spirit around here @ sevensisters...so i thought i'd take a shot at maybe (maaaaybe) getting organized a little early instead of running around like a crazy chick at the last minute (i work best under pressure) and i know November's not even here yet, but let's face it,
around the corner she's a comin'...

...so i'm running right into Thanksgiving...
i was informed as of late that i'm hosting Thanksgiving dinner again, which is exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time since it really is the "huge-est" dinner you'll ever eat all year and it will be compared to Thanksgiving dinner in years past..."remember last year how yummy the casserole was?"...or "remember when you opened the cabinet door and a glass fell out and landed right in the middle of your lemon meringue pie?!" (this really happened to my mom)....so again, i stress...pressure... well...this year i do have a couple new ideas up my sleeve as far as menu & table settings go, but here are some flashbacks from last year that make me look back and think...wow...i'm so blessed...i'm so thankful, and that's what i want the holidays to really be about, really be remembered for...

last year's menu:
roast turkey with truffle butter
sweet potato & pear gratin
make ahead party mashed potatoes
♥ grandma F's mac n' cheese ♥
♥ 2 aunt's who bickered about the stuffing recipe - stuffing ♥
stuffed artichokes
♥ from scratch crescent rolls ♥
♥ green salad, corn, cranberry sauce & gravy ♥

7 things i'm th
ankful for...
1. wegs pumpkin cookies w/cream cheese icing

2. all the ideas inside my bra
in that scream "etsy shop"
3. k-love
4. the new tinkerbell movie (love it...so cute)
(and there's no bad guy)

5. seven sisters i can laugh with
6. my family at dinner time
7. my sweet Savior

anybody thankful?...le
nd an ear let's hear...
(as in post a comment about what you're thankful for)


  1. Thankful for YOU J, cause I know if we didn't have somewhere to go to celebrate Thanksgiving you would invite us to your house and that would be great because that food looks AMAZING!! Love ya girl, keep entertaining, you do it with style...Nel

  2. thankful for my amazing husband.

    Love the post J! I want to eat my computer screen!


Please leave us comments because it makes us feel all fuzzy inside.