Saturday, December 18, 2010

cookies ♥ cookies ♥ cookies...

From dollhouse to cookie frenzy over here at 7sisters, i'm kickin' off our crazy cookie week...and timing couldn't be perfect-er! (know it's not a word...just go with me) Christmas is only 7 days! what a coincidence! there's 7 of us! and if you're in a bind for a quick recipe that's been tried and true...look no further...'cause these are the best of the best!

(this year sister Mar hosted our exchange ♥ this beautiful centerpiece was on her island)

Every year (this was our 3rd) the 7 of us have been together for a cookie exchange/ornament make & take (this year it was minus the make & take...too stressful...oy) and while in years past it's been fun...this year was my fav...not only cause i think with each year that passes the cookies/packaging/presents get bumped up a notch...but because with every year that passes, we grow closer together...we're goin' through life together...we're watching the kids grow up together...we're waitng for new kids together...we're laughing about old ladies and eyedrops, fabric softner and yarn dolls gone bad together (love ya jen)... the blessings, the heartaches, the laughter...and everything else in between... and in the midst of all that i feel closeness, like we really are true sisters in our Christ...He has truly bonded and shaped us together in a way nobody can...and oh i changes, things change, seasons pass...but to have even 1 sister in Christ to call my own is precious... so to have 7♥ is of the ya girls....

printable apple stationary set from Creature Comforts

crafted during our party...glittered acorn ornaments!....
gotta love the acorns...check out this version at Creature Comforts

linking to...

handmade projects

All Things Heart and Home


  1. sweet post J! brought tears to my eyes, so thankful for my sisters! ♥ ~*S*~

  2. Just wondering...are those real acorns or are they wooden balls pretending to be acorns? Haha! Everything was beautiful, love the clear glass cookie containers, I'm already planning it's future use!! Love ya! Nel ☺


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