Monday, March 21, 2011

Sew Fashionable....

Ok...I have to admit...I have fallen in love...with my sewing machine. I am having so much fun figuring out what to create and make next. list keeps getting longer and longer of all the things I want to make/create...I have ideas coming out of my ears and not enough time in the day!! So frustrating for us crafty folks!!!
So I have to share with you a project that with no ...literally time on my hands was able to fashionably...(can't you tell..I'm pretty proud of myself..). Being a beginner at sewing it doesn't take much for me to feel accomplished!
With that being said... I again went searching on etsy for this sew fashionable project.
For awhile now I have been wanting to make a Bible cover for my two little girls Bibles to carry into church with them. Complete with handles and all. My Bible is my most treasured possession, and I pray I am teaching them every day how special and precious a book it really is. A year or so ago I had crocheted one for little L..but it just wasn't cutting it; it wasn't sturdy enough. Plus I wanted it to be super super cute! I found a perfect pattern on etsy from a seller known as LillyBlossom called a "sewing pattern book bag", it was so simple and had great pictures to walk me through each step. I had to make adjustments to the pattern sizes for the books in order for the slipcover to fit perfectly over their Bibles, I just made my own measurements and cut my fabric accordingly. I used ribbon instead of making handles out of fabric, but other than that I followed the instructions and they turned out beautiful. I even ending up making one for myself.

..the inside cover...

...front of the slipcover..with iron on Velcro for the closure flap I made for it (this was not part of the pattern I added it so that the Bible could be securely closed. I pretty much followed the directions for making a fabric handle, but made it shorter to fit perfectly as a closure flap instead)

..a view from the inside of the back cover..

..the one I made especially for me...I hope this has inspired your sewing projects as much as it has mine...

craftKeeping It Simple



  1. Lovely!!!! Now i have ANOTHER thing on my TO DO list! thanks!

  2. What beautiful book covers! You did a beautiful job sewing them!

  3. These are precious! What a great little gift for them and a good way to teach them to care for their book. I might need to try making one of these too.

  4. Those are lovely-and the fabrics are so springy.

  5. Sew cute!!! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  6. You have been featured on SSB! Check out your feature below:

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