Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cute Easter Basket Goodie....

Here is an simple and cauuuute idea for your kids Easter Basket.....   

Spring Chick Bird's Nests

White Chocolate Wafers
Thin Pretzel Sticks
Jelly Beans
Peeps (chick ones, not bunnies...)

In a double boiler, melt white chocolate wafers....
     Once melted... 

Stir in pretzels and place "globs" onto a cookie sheet...   
Decorate with Jelly Beans

Place "chick" peep on the very top.....

EASY as 1..2...3.....  

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son:  
That whosoever believeth on Him
should not perish but have ever lasting life."

John 3:16

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