Sunday, May 29, 2011

1 ♥ 2 ♥ 3 ...lazy susan & open cabinet

The 1, 2, 3 craze is kinda first i kept wondering why everyone was numbering stuff...but then it kinda grew on me :)
here's a few cute inspiration pics...

(photo sources: 1st, 2nd, 3rd)

here's my twist on the 123's ...
(these trays were gifts for a special soon-to-be mom :)

stack of 3 trays were sold together from AC Moore painted white...all the paper is again from my new favorite...made by colorbok called flea market...mod podged into the bottoms

the other 1.2.3. project i did was in one of my kitchen cabinets...we've been working on some projects in the kitchen (painting walls/painting & staining cabinets) and i still have before & after pics to put up when were all done, but here is one of the sections of cabinets that I wanted to leave open...
this is the section BEFORE...

and this is the AFTER...

...some more pics of the 1.2.3 wire bins in the cabinet...
to make the number labels i cut the paper (again flea market) into circles to pop into mason jar lids that i spray painted white then hung them with twine...

the last thing I wanted to share was this lazy susan i found at Goodwill for $4...
i forgot to take a picture but this is sorta what it looked like before...

...and this after i was done! exciting to get something old and turn it into new...

Linking up ♥

Thirty Hand Made Days

All Things Heart and Home


  1. Ooooh! The ideas you have are AMAZING, I feel like I am watching HGTV! I love the 1,2,3 in the white mason jar lids...they look awesome on those baskets!! Nel ☺

  2. Soo pretty! I feel like I need to number something now too :)

  3. I am so blown away by this entire post that I have no idea where to begin but I am going to scroll through it again and just drool over it all over again. Oh the details...the fork, the lazy susan, the little details that make this blown away chick gasp out loud...just wow.

  4. Wow - those are all AMAZING transformations! I especially LOVE the silverware as backdrops in your cabinets - super cute!

  5. Love the look of the wall art behind your open shelves! Genius. Pinning now!

  6. Love the silverware print! Where do you find? :)

  7. GORGEOUS kitchen! I LOVE the mason jar lid labels - brilliant!

  8. Just beautiful kitchen cabinets!
    Love it!

  9. Love, love the kitchen cabinets. How did you do the fork in the back of the cabinets? I love that. I am here from DIY, and I am a new follower.

  10. I have been looking for a big fork and spoon print that doesn't break the this vinyl that you used?

  11. hey everyone! thanks for so much love for my crazy open cabinet adventure! :)
    the fork & spoon are vinyl clings i bought from Joann's called "once upon a wall" they have their own little section in the store...i had to cut them down to the size i needed for inside the cabinet, but they were as easy as pie to put up!
    much loves ♥ jaime

  12. popped over from the diy show off, I am so impressed with your cabinet makeover and all that goes in between. Thank you for sharing

  13. Do you mean Joanne's Fabric Store? I've searched for these and can't find them. Can you possibly share a link or sku# for them? Thank you so much!


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