Saturday, May 14, 2011

Favors for a Garden Party!

This month I will be hosting a birthday party for a one year old little girl.  Mine!!!!!  So I mulled over the idea what theme should I have?  Then I thought, May has such beautiful flowers- lets have a garden party theme, and every party needs a favor.  This is what I call my "whirley pop" favor.  Full of sugar for my little attendees!  This is a little step by step tutorial on how I made my favors for the party.

Step One:  Cut floral foam and place inside pot (should be snug)

Step Two:  Place lollipop into the foam, use some paper to fill the edges

Step Three:  Use your handy-dandy paper shredder to create grass from card stock paper (warning: clean out old paper before shredding or you will have white paper etc mixed in).  Place "grass" around the lollipop make sure all the paper is covered.

 Step Four:  Find cute candy that goes with the theme and place on the grass....

 I found these cuties at a local candy cheap chocolate flavor here!

Step Five:  Cut out a leaf from card stock and affix with clear tape to lollipop stem

Step Six: Get ready to party!

Looks like this one is lip smackin' good! :)


  1. Mj I love this too cute!!!! Awesome post! Mar

  2. MJ, they look so sweet lined up on your window sill! Really cute party favor. Happy 1st Birthday Little A!!! Nel ☺

  3. I'm having a garden theme party for my little one and would like to use this idea. Could you let me know what size the pot and swirly lollipop you used?

    Thank you so much!


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