Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Gluten Free Birthday

I was asked by my sister S to make a Gluten free cake with strawberry frosting and topped with strawberries and whip cream for her birthday. What an order! HA HA Love you S... and anything for your birthday. Needless to say.. I eat Gluten!!! and I love it! So how in the world was I going to make a cake without it! Well, after much research.. (thanks S) I come to find out that good old Betty Crocker makes a gluten free cake mix! Phew!! I'm saved! So with a little bit of tinkering this cake became the most delicious gluten free cake to date! It was fantastic..and very very moist! I have to didn't even taste gluten free. So for anyone else out there who can't eat've gotta try this.

First I used the Betty Crocker Gluten free cake mix and made it according to the directions. (Except I added 2 tablespoons of cinnamon applesauce..very important step). I cooked it in a 9 in dark non stick spring form pan for 41 minutes at 325 degrees. It came out perfect

Next I made the frosting. I took 2 and 1/2 cups of confectionery sugar and about 1/2 cup pure strawberry puree (Meaning just puree strawberries in a blender until you get about 1/3-1/2 a cup). I'm not sure exactly on the measurements of the strawberry puree I just added how much puree I needed to the confectionery sugar to reach the desired glaze consistency. After the cake cooled I poured it over the cake (just be careful not to make the frosting too runny). After a little while the glaze will set, putting it in the fridge helps.

Finally slice up some strawberries and arrange on top of cake. Serve with whip cream.



  1. Looks delicious! I have found there are a few gluten free versions that are amazing, you just need to seek them out. Great work for her birthday.

  2. mmm...i love shortcake! i just made some too! :D

  3. My son has autism and we had him on GFCF diet for 4 1/2 years....this wasn't out there when we had him on the diet, but I'm so glad to see so many more products now available to GF cause I've got a lot of friends who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease - what a blessing!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  4. I didn't know that BC made gluten free cake mixes so this was a great find. Unfortunately DGD is also allergic to strawberries. Ugh!


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