Monday, June 13, 2011

How to make a Hungry Hungry Caterpillar Cake...

A few weeks ago on a rainy day the girls were going crazy in the house. I had to think of something to do with them FAST...if you know what I mean. Recently Little L has been captivated by the Hungry Hungry Caterpillar book and so I decided to make a hungry hungry caterpillar cake with little L. I took out a Christmas gift that I had been given a few months before. Its a great kit with all sorts of cupcake shapes that you can form/fit together to make any shape you want, it is called "Puzzle Cakes" and you can find them at Michael's craft store. I know little L and I made wonderful memories working on this cake together.

1. First you arrange your baking cups in the shape that you want them.
2. Then make your cake batter and fill the baking cups.
3. Be sure to fill them to the specified line on the baking cup. This ensures that the batter will "spill" over just enough so that the cake becomes one piece.
4. TaDa!

Next make your favorite frosting, and frost your delicious masterpiece! I colored ours like the hungry hungry caterpillar. With a red face and a few different shades of green for the body.

Then I used more frosting to detail the face and outlined the cake in yellow frosting. He's really beginning to look like the real thing!

Lastly I used some straws that I cut for the legs and antenna's. This was so much fun, but even better was eating him in the end!

P.S. The Seven Sisters went on a garage sale hunt this weekend and just look at my awesome find! I couldn't believe it! A wooden RED Radio Flyer wagon still in great shape. (And I only paid 10 bucks for it!) With a little TLC and a new coat of paint...I can't wait till I'm finished!

Linking to:


The DIY Show Off


  1. What a great post and cake you and L made!! I'm going to check out that kit at Michael's, for sure! and now you're making me want to go to garage sales, too! haha

  2. That's so cute. My little girl loves "the hungry caterpillar."

  3. Hi you were featured over at Ashley Suzanne. I hope that you will grab the featured button and place it on your blog for all to see!

    Ashley Suzanne!
    ashleysbookshelf at gmail dot com


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