Monday, June 6, 2011

Love Love Love Free Patterns!

I love coming across free patterns! It just makes me so happy. Hopefully someday I'll be a great seamstress and make up my own patterns too. A great site to find all these free patterns and tons of other ideas too is called Once I got to that site I couldn't stop looking at all the awesome stuff!

I have been on the hunt for a great bib pattern. I really wanted to make my own because first of all bibs are so expensive, at least I think so. Number two hand made bibs are just so much cuter than the ones at the store, and so much less expensive. They are a wonderful gift for someone special as well. I found a pattern for what is called the bapron (a long bib that covers much more than a traditional store bought bib...can I say PERFECT!) and here is where I found the pattern. All I did was print out the free pattern, follow the directions and viola! It was super easy and my favorite bib to date! In case you were wondering I found all my fabrics at Joann's. I'm just in love with this rooster!
Enjoy sewing crafters!!!



  1. Mar, can you send me an invite to Pinterest? I've been dying to get on there! S can give you my email. Whenever you get a chance!! Thanks!

  2. OMG. My son is 18 months now, so he's not quite so messy...but I could have SO used these when he was younger! This is GENIUS! I can't sew worth a lick, but I'm going to forward your link to my handy friend in hopes that she'll make some. Thanks for sharing!

  3. These look great! I can't wait to try one! I'm a new follower and would love for you to visit me at :)

  4. I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.

    Come strut your stuff.

  5. Hi, friend! I'm admiring all your creativity here. Can you please share them with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop. Hope to see you there at the party :)


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