Monday, September 5, 2011

a kitchen remodeled ♥ (part one)

This is the story of a kitchen...our kitchen...
heehee...just messin'...ok, ok, so this is what our kitchen looked like when we moved in four and a half years ago...this was actually one of the pics we took when we were scoping the place out :)
what i loved about our house, was just that....the kitchen (ok...and the hardwoods throughout) but really what i fell in love with, was the was huge for one thing, and had sooooo much potential! it had been newly remodeled and everything was clean and in working just needed the jaime touch :)
(never the words the chief wants to hear)

(make a fast forwarding sound in your head)... 
(not out loud cause people will think you're strange)...
four years later...we are here

not much difference, i know, i know...
but grab a box of Stouffer's Whales (i'm addicted to these things man) 
and a cup of tea, then settle in 'cause it's gonna be lengthy....

(this is still before...don't freak out)

and still before...these are actually the cabinets i posted about here

So here's a little bit of a run-down 
of what we've done in the past 6 months (give or take :)

...and here is after!

refinished cabinets 
(we used rustoleum cabinet transformations...
the paint color was white with the finishing glaze over top)

new hardware (Hobby Lobby)

ceramic tile counter top

opened up cabinets

I didn't take a before pic of the corian counter they had put in for baking, rolling out pie crusts, cooking dough and such...but you can sorta see the corner of it here...

...we replaced it with granite...still use this area for baking...

just in case you're curious (or nosy like me) here are some pics taken during the counter top construction...(we had refinished the cabinets about 3 months before)

my father-in-law's tools (he's very specific about which bag they belong in)
(thanks dad-in-law for all your hard work!)

now this...this folks, is "the pile" 
the pile we lived with for 10 days...i'll call it our "remote kitchen" 
since i don't want to admit most of it is my craft stuff that's overtaking the front room (more to come on that in the future)

 (and yes that is a tub full of K-cups)
(and double yes...that is 20 different bottles of snow cone syrup)
(don't ask)

again...i forgot to take a picture of my old sink (dummy)

new white cast iron sink of loveliness 
(faucet/sink from Lowe's)

the island...

the back splash...

...i'm falling asleep in front of the next week i want to show you some updates on a few things i posted about here and here, and also show you some of the details that have been added to the kitchen since the remodel (you know the cute decortating stuff)...and how i got so many of my ideas from Pinterest! gotta ♥ Pinterest
what?'re still not following me yet?! whatcha waitin' fer??

Follow Me on Pinterest

much loves sisters...
oh! almost forgot! ...check out the button on our side bar and come party with us!

this Friday we will be guest posting at 


  1. That looks amazing! A beautiful and dramatic transformation!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  2. Your kitchen turned out beautifully. I recently had a friend refinish her cabinets with the Rustoleum product too and they are awesome. I love the tile you used too!

  3. Hello Jamie,
    First your kitchen makeover is amazing. I can’t believe that you found that cabinet hardware at Hobby lobby; it is just perfect. I didn’t know that Hobby Lobby carried that type of stuff. Enjoy your new kitchen.
    Smiles, Paula

  4. Beautiful job! You are so lucky too, that you have family to help you!

  5. So happy for you Jaime! It's finally dooooooooone! And it looks amazing :) I think it's missing one thing though....that would be me, sitting in one of those stools and enjoying some delicious Jaime-cookin'! hahaha ~*S*~

  6. It's beautiful! I can't wait to have my very own kitchen in order to re-do it! :-)


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