Monday, November 15, 2010

Dollhouse Part 2

Here it is!! Almost completed. While my husband finished up the siding of the house I took advantage of the time and started to paint the inside of the house. I just love how it turned out!

This is a front view of the house that we put together from one of the wooden dollhouse kits. As you can see my husband has a little bit more siding to complete on the front of the house.

I was able to paint one of the sides of the house that he did finish. Little L even picked the color without knowing it. We were at the paint store and I asked her if she could have any color in her room what would it be, and this is what she came up with. Candy Apple Red. I think its charming, but little L is going to love it!

The first room I started with was the attic. This room is going to be the nursery for her little family. I painted the floor first. (Going to the paint store and just buying samples of colors was more than enough paint for the whole house and saved me a lot of money in paint supplies. Plus they will mix any color you want). Then I modpodged the walls with my craft paper. In order to get the cuts right I cut them with an exact -o- knife.

The little girls room was a little more difficult. I primed the whole thing. Then I painted all the walls white. After it dried completely I measured my stripes and put up my painters tape. Then I painted the pink stripes on (two coats for everything... I like good coverage) Once it dried I removed the tape, did some touch up and then painted the floors.

For the master bedroom, I painted the two walls yellow and then modpodged the craft paper onto the far wall. I can't wait to see what it looks like with window trim and curtains!

The staircase was the worst part. I should have painted everything before installing it into the house. But lets face it I was working long into the night and I just wasn't thinking straight! I was so annoyed with myself. So please don't make the same mistake. It seems very time consuming to paint everything and then put it up but trust me it will save you tons of time in the long run. I ended up having to use my fingers to paint in order to get to some of the places on the staircase, and use a tiny brush held up through the windows to paint other parts. Thankfully it turned out beautiful in the end!

Before I painted the kitchen I modpodged some cute craft paper into the closet. I just thought it looked so cute!

Next I painted the walls in the kitchen and then modpodged the craft paper onto the right wall. I even found some brick paper that I put up to make a hearth in the kitchen.

Finally for the living room I painted the walls first, waited for them to dry and then measured and taped for my stripe. I love how the stripe turned out but I still think it needs something extra. I'm thinking of doing some kind of stencil design in the stripe, but that will be for next week.

Phew... That was a lot of painting, next week siding and finishing touches!
P.S. I found a winner for the cookie exchange. Absolutely delicious.


  1. Mar! I love the argyle in the master bedroom! Can I move in now???? ~*S*~

  2. Mar, I am picturing you painting the doll house interior with one hand and whipping up some delicious cookies with the other...she does it all folks in just one afternoon! Both projects look GREAT!!! Nice job, Nel ☺

  3. Looks like you could be building your next house. Great job! Iliked the striped wall paper.

  4. This is amazing!
    I came here looking for doll house curtain ideas for revamping my 20 year old doll house, to find that the one you have built is the exact same as mine!!
    I'd love to hear your opinion??


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