Tuesday, November 16, 2010

how to have the most organized Christmas....CHECK UP TIME!

So, I wanted to check in on anyone who may be following my no-fail Christmas to-do list (Click the link for the list in detail, below is just a snapshot with updates). And to discuss how far I've gotten, since I figure I should practice what I preach :)

So, here we go.....

Week of October 17 - COMPLETE!
  1. Create a list of those for which you will need to buy gifts. Check!
  2. Create a list of those for which you will be sending cards and decide on the type of card you will be sending. Check!
  3. Create a list of events you will be hosting, and decide what kind of event it will be. I will be hosting Christmas Eve, and also a NYE pajama party! Christmas Eve will be "bring an appetizer to share" and on NYE, I serve a big midnight breakfast!

Week of October 24 - COMPLETE!
  1. Request lists for those of which you will be buying gifts. Check!
  2. Nail down your Christmas card idea. My Christmas newsletter is written! All I need to do is snap a photo in front of our tree as soon as it's up the day after Thanksgiving and put it on the letter, then it will be ready to print and send!
Week of October 31 - COMPLETE!
  1. Plan a shopping trip day with your girlfriends, mom, sisters, etc. to get cranking on the better part of your list. My mother-in-law and I met my sister-in-law for a day of shopping at cute boutiques and shops on the square near my sister-in-laws university. It was a lot of fun and I am excited about the unique gift I found for one of my nieces :)
  2. Start thinking about menu ideas for the party(s) you will be hosting or what dish-to-pass you'll bring to the parties you'll be invited to. If you have never tried a recipe before, do a test run this week. I've already done a test run on my holiday cookies, and the rest of my recipe's I've made before.
Week of November 7 - COMPLETE!
  1. Checkpoint week. By now you should have at least 1/3 of your shopping complete, and if not complete, a good idea of what you're getting and from where. Finish any online shopping. I am 2/3 done with my shopping!! Right now I have mostly my homemade gifts left to make. The rest of my gifts I know what I am getting, I just have to get out there and pick them up!
  2. Make a list of those for whom you'll be giving cookies, or a small gift (co-workers, neighbors, host gift, etc.). Check!
  3. Nail down a date with your girlfriends for a cookie exchange Check! Dec 17!
Week of November 14
  1. Decide what kind of cookie(s) you'll be making for any cookie exchanges. Hazelnut crisps and peppermint squares!
  2. By now you should have a set-in-stone menu/dish to pass for any other events you'll be hosting or attending. Check!
  3. By now you should have completed your "small gift shopping" (co-workers, neighbors, host gifts, etc.) ! --I still have 2 homemade things to make, but I do have the supplies...craft night with 7S is this weekend!
Week of November 21
  1. Thanksgiving week! (Sorry you're on your own for those plans)
  2. After Thanksgiving weekend- decorate the house! I suggest hot cocoa with whipped cream, Christmas music, and a big ole star on top 'o the tree.
Week of November 28
  1. Time to get serious about shopping. Buckle down this week and get the list completed, I don't care if you have to knock down the Santa at the mall to do it, just do it! Need last minute ideas?
Week of December 5 (20 days till Christmas)
  1. Wrap gifts. Make a list of those who you will need to give a gift to outside of Christmas Eve/Day festivities so you don't forget to make sure they receive it. Mail any gifts that need to be mailed with "don't open till Christmas" tags.
  2. Mail holiday cards.
Week of December 12 (14 days till Christmas)
  1. Relax.
  2. Make a grocery list of food items you'll need for next week and get your grocery shopping complete. Bake the sweet stuff and anything else you can prepare in advance and make sure your recipe cards are ready to go!
Week of December 19-24
  1. It's go time! You're hosting your parties (that you're well planned for), give the house a quick clean, put on some (more) holiday music, and enjoy the time you worked hard for.
December 25 - Merry Christmas!

How are you doing on your Christmas to-do list? Do share!


  1. ok, that was stressful...ok, i wasnt stressed at all, now i'm completely stressed...i'm a work under pressure kinda girl, so i havn't really even begun to do any Christmas planning yet...i'm hosting Thanksgiving next week, and i'm just starting to get on the ball with that!!! cut me some slack here free spirit!! ♥J.

  2. hummm..well I have narrowed my possible cookie choices down to 18, I will see my whole family at Thanksgiving so I won't get any gift ideas until then so yea, I'm totally where I always am! However, my Christmas photo cards are DONE and already here waiting to be addressed! So I feel I can relax until about mid December! I really don't think anyone should be focusing on Christmas until after my birthday-heehee!! Nel ☺


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