Saturday, January 8, 2011

♥ to Aunt Crochet... in an earlier post (like way earlier) i mentioned i had an aunt who not only taught me how to crochet, but who has tension and stitch continuity that most of us yarners only dream of... she can whip somethin' (or a couple somethin's) up in one episode of grey's anatomy, as Mar would this post is a tribute to her and her mad skills!
...last year i found this really super cutie pie book full of crochet play food patterns (i'm a sucker for play food) called Tasty Crochet by Rose Langlitz, and i knew i just had to make everything in it...or as in most cases in my disorganized life, have aunt crochet make them in my stead....
so it usually goes somethin' like this....

her.... i need a anything you want me to crochet?

me..... i'm sure i could think of somethin'...lets get the patterns out...

her.... oh this looks you have this color yarn?

me... do i have this color yarn? i have this color yarn???? of course i have this color yarn, and every other shade in the same family...uh helloooo... (many of the sisters, if not all will testify of my fairly large stash of yarn)

me(again).... so will you make 2 of these in two colors so it'll go with everything?

her...(sigh).... what do you need 2 for?! oh alright! just give it to me, i'll do it, it'll take me 2 seconds... (very close to not being an exaggeration)

me... i have some really cute buttons that would go with it!...and what about ribbon, could we do some ribbon here on the top?

her... (looking at me with a not so good face)

me... what? you asked me for a project...

and here is the result of such a conversation!...enjoy and get a snack from the kitchen now, 'cause you're gonna get me...

and bonus!! during the next episode of grey's anatomy she made this! (actually 2 of this) ( in one whole nativity for each of my two separate kids) we found this nativity pattern in Crochet World magazine...

so where would a disorganized sister like me be without an aunt crochet??...way behind the grey's anatomy girls, that's where!!

♥Linking to...

mmm buttonMaking


  1. I will take a taco, an apple and a pink pop-tart for dessert please! These are sooooo cute, they may be the items that FINALLY give me the urge to want to have you teach me to crochet! Stand by...Nel ☺

  2. What's the chance your aunt can adopt us? Cauuuute! Nel, you are so funny! -e

  3. Love the Nativity sets. Those would be such a nice gift for kids to play with.


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