Monday, May 2, 2011

Making the Perfect Bow: Tutorial

Every outfit needs a matching bow...right?? Yes! absolutely! Well, that is what my four year old daughter firmly believes. 
Last week I posted about their dresses they wore for Easter. However I really wanted them to have a matching barrette and since I made the dresses if I wanted a matching bow I was going to have to make one myself. And so this is what I came up with. It is super easy and really cute! Little L loved the one I made for her on Easter so much she asked me to make her a lot more of them. 
Below is a tutorial on how I made them. I hope this is helpful to every mom, grandma, aunt etc...that can never find that special perfect hair piece to go with that special outfit!

* Pretty Fabric
*Barrette's (found mine at Joann's)

Tools Used:
*Measuring tape
*Sewing Machine
*Hot Glue Gun

Step 1: get your barrette and hot glue gun ready
Step 2: hot glue the barrette to the center of the larger fabric piece
Step 3: Place fabric band under larger fabric piece and fold up one end. Hot glue in place
Step 4: Fold other side of fabric band and hot glue in place.
Tip: make sure barrette is open before securing band. (I found these barrette's in the jewelery section of Joann Fabric's, pretty much any barrette will work.)

Also linking to:



  1. Such a cute bow! I have a little girl and I can't get enough cute bows for her hair! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Cute! Please come and share it at my link party:
    I may just have to add this one to my list to post on my blog.

  3. Hi, friends! I'm admiring all your creative posts here so can you please share them with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? I hope to see you there at the party :)


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