Monday, June 20, 2011

Dear God... your creation Amazes me!

A few weeks ago I posted about my upcoming garden. I wanted it twice as big as last year and so my wonderful hubby dug out and turned over and built my BIGGER garden. (I'm thinking even bigger next year...maybe..just no one tell my hubby..yet!) Over the past few weeks my precious garden started out with little baby plants and seeds, and today I couldn't be happier! I love watching what pops up from the ground. It just amazes me that something so small as a bean seed turns into a beautiful plant with lots and lots of beans to eat.... God is amazing..that's for sure! While planting those little bean seeds in the ground I can't help but say to myself  "really...THIS tiny going to give me goes nothin'..." And then 14 days later I'm always shocked and amazed to see those little sprouts push their way out of the ground. I can't help it..I'm always amazed that it works! But that just reminds me of how beautiful God's creation is. He can take anything...even a tiny bean seed...and turn it into something beautiful. And that reminds me that He will do the same with me too. No matter what life is throwing my way I just have to remember that little bean seed and know that God will make good come from it.

Below is a peek at my garden...

and last but not least... carrots...
..c'mon can make it!

Lastly I made Blueberry Zucchini Bread this week and it by far is the best bread that I have ever eaten!!!
Doesn't it look scrumptious!

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