Wednesday, June 22, 2011

gift for the grad

Inspired by ♥J who was inspired by eighteen25, I decided to try my own spin on the box of teacher goodies craft, except with a little twist for a high school graduate going on to college.  It wasn't that hard to do, because really, they both need the same things!

Starting with the outside, instead of putting "mrs ***" I used her initials.  The gift was for my cousin-in-law and I did it in her future college's colors!

Also, I looove my new punches. Makes the perfect circle!

Here's the inside of the box.  Some of the more "college-y" things I added was a mini sewing kit, and a photo holder.

And some detail shots.  Total list of what I included is:
Photo clip
Sticky notes
Mini sewing kit
Dove dark chocolates
Magnet clips (to hold to-do lists, etc)
Binder clips
thumb tacks (clear and ladybug)

And the top of the inside of the box has a cool inspiring quote by C.S. Lewis;

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind."
c.s. lewis

Thanks again to eighteen25 for the awesome inspiration!! My cousin-in-law really enjoyed this gift!


  1. I wish someone gave me this when I went off to college (a million years ago), it is soooo fun!!!
    Where did you find the ladybug thumb tacks? They are adorable! And the sewing kit was an excellent addition, good thinkin'! Nel ☺

  2. So cute, S!! I would have also loved to get this before college! and yes, do tell where you go the ladybug thumb tacks! My SIL would love them!

  3. I love it! It turned out super cute! -Juli

  4. the ladybug tacks are from michaels! In the home office section :) ~*S*~


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