Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can you spot the hidden object?

The professor and I are babysitting Mar's cat and dog for a week and while the professor was out walking our yard with the dog he stumbled upon a strange creature.  He could only see the head at first and thought it was a small mammal because we have seen a chipmunk scurrying around.  As he peered closer.....POOF!!!  The little creature was in his face!!!  Can you spot the hidden animal?

Yes!  It's a duck!  Laying on a nest of eggs.  Now that we know she is there, we'll avoid the area and give her some privacy.  I think the name Mrs O'Leary works well for her.  I can't wait for the ducklings to hatch!!

Our Rose of Sharon bush is in full bloom, gorgeous!

Check out these sunflowers!  They are sprouting right up!  I can't wait for the flowers to come!

We went to a neighborhood garage sale this past weekend.  $1.00 Tonka Truck?  Yes please!  (Actually the professor nabbed it before "S" did).

 Our heirloom tomato plants are starting to take over!


We have started to make plans for our kitchen and bathroom renovations.  More on that to come next week!


  1. Top o the mornin' to ya Mrs O'Leary! ~*S*~

  2. Jenn, I am hoping one day there will be a post about Mrs. O'Leary's eggs hatchin' and all her youngins marching across your lawn...can we keep 'em Pa? Can we?? ☺ Janel


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