Wednesday, July 27, 2011

what survived...

and I should add to the title.... "so far."

The heat wave we've been having across the country has done a number on my precious garden so far.  As much as I water and hope and pray, only the strong have survived.  I'll cross my fingers the rest recover for next year, but here's what I'm left with for now:

My roma tomatoes.  We went back and forth and back and forth during the heatwave, but it looks like we're going to end up with "forth." As in, they lived.  It stopped doing anything for a while, but it looks like it's back for good with some new tomato blooms!

I even had enough to make a quick batch of fried green tomatoes!  I used this recipe for the dipping sauce. (I substituted the red wine vinegar in mine for regular vinegar just to be safe with the baby and all! Oh, and I don't have any Creole seasoning, so I just added the same amount in chili powder.) Big yum! I would have taken a picture of the completed recipe, but I ate them too fast... whoops!

 My beautiful asters also survived!! This bloom looks a little worse for the wear, but I've got new blooms all over just waiting to open up!

This was a pleasant surprise! It's a pumpkin!! I had my husband toss the seeds on the side yard last November, and it looks like something may have come of it- so excited! I hope they keep!

My dad had also given me some trumpeter vine seeds (which I didn't take pictures of back when I did my garden post because it would have just been a picture of the dirt since they were seeds, haha).  But they're doing awesomely!  They just started to bud with tiny flowers this week- so excited!

Just in case you're wondering why I planted a trumpeter's to hide my trash can! Of course.... Can't wait till it's a smidgen bigger so I can start wrapping it into the trellis.

Last but not least, the highlight to my morning was catching these two bunnies frolicking around! So cute. I named them Elmer and Louisa. They can stay as long as they don't eat my asters that are newly blooming!

How does your garden grow amidst the heat wave?  I'm off to go feed mine some H2O!!!


  1. You know I love me some fried green tomaters! :) Did you eat yours "raw?" I'm so making this dipping sauce tonight, and going out to my garden and getting a big, green tomato. Yum!

  2. Teph- I did fry my green tomatoes in a little cornstarch/egg batter. Though if I wasn't gluten free I'd def. use breadcrumbs. The sauce was awesome with it! ~*S*~


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