Sunday, July 3, 2011

A few of my favorite things....

Using Mod Podge with paper is one of my FAVORITES!!!!!  So....I wanted to share some things that I have used this handy little bottle of white goodness on (and just some other things for fun)!
A little door can also see the mirror to the right which came with the house and was brown with gold trim...a little paper and mod podge and voila!
Another photo of the mirror

Some simple wood frames from Michael's that cost about 2 bucks, covered with paper and ribbon attached.  These guys hang above my daughter's bed.
A mural that I painted in my daughter's room....and a little birdhouse I made....

The birdhouse sitting on a hook that looks like a branch with a bird on it!!!

Nothing on this little guy is mod podge...but a whole lot of hot glue.  I made two of these lamps for my daughter's room. 
Cream and white roses
White lamp base and shade
Hot glue
How to:
Cut all the stems of the roses so they lay flat against the shade.
Hot Glue the roses onto the shade starting at the top.
Continue until you reach the bottom

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