Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Memory Journals

It's JULY!!!
Happy 4th of July weekend, friends! I survived the trip to Cedar Point amusement park, let me tell you some of those roller coasters are CRAZY and I am a pretty big chicken. I went on a few rides but mostly I was the one sitting with the backpacks, stroller and my two year old niece. She's a little sweetie and I taught her the fine art of people watching. ☺

Check out this ride, new for 2011. It's called The Wind Seeker. Swings? No problem, you say. Except, these swings are going around 300 feet in the air!!! And let me tell you, it's windy up there even if its not on the ground! Yes, I rode this. And survived. Barely. I shut my eyes really tight about half way through and prayed for it to be over.

Are you seeing this thing???
300 feet in the air, people!!

The view on the way up and the way down was awesome! It was just the spinning around once you get up there that was S-C-A-R-Y!!

Anyway, my sister and I were talking about summer memory journals, a project she introduced me to years ago and I had sorta forgotten about. She did these as a group with other moms and kids. We thought it would also be a great party idea for a group of girls Lulu's age (13-ish). All you need is a composition note book (the kind with the black and white marble cover and black binding). These notebooks tend to be really inexpensive during "back to school" time so grab a few extras then and save this idea for next summer. To make a summer memory journal just cover the front and back of the notebook with patterned scrapbook paper. Decorate with stickers. Cover the whole notebook with contact paper to keep the journal clean and neat. Easy peasy.

This is the front of the book I made...

and the back...I loved this "wave" paper and it was just begging to be decorated with fish and bubble stickers!

This is the front of Lulu's summer journal...

 and the sweet. Her taste would probably be a little different now, this was a few years ago.

So, now the fun part...use this journal for anything and everything that has to do with summer! My kids used it to record all the places they went, vacations and day trips. If we picked up a brochure or had ticket stubs from the trip they glued them in the journal. They also used it to keep track of books they read, friends they wanted to get together with, silly songs they learned at camp....anything!! I used mine to keep track of meals and a packing list for our camping trip, outdoor games and projects that sounded fun and  a list of movies we wanted to watch during the summer. My sister and her friends make a new summer journal every year because it is an event for the kids to get together and create their books. I didn't even begin to fill up one notebook so I just skipped a few pages and used the same book the next summer. Okay, so this idea may seem kinda oh-hum but it is really fun to look back and remember all the fun things you did on those lazy, summer days. You do tend to forget these least I do. ☺

The next thing to go into my summer memory journal...the Cedar Point park map and a list of the rides I was brave enough to get on!

I think this project is near and dear to my heart because I just love everything about summer...the slower pace, the food, being outdoors, going special places, staying up late and sleeping in, camping, swimming, reading etc. My absolute, hands down favorite book of all time is Susan Branch's Summer book. It is adorable!

I could look at it forever. If you haven't seen it before you must take a look the next time you are in a book store. It is pretty much her memory book for summers spent on Martha's Vineyard. She draws all the pictures and it is so sweet. I LOVE it!! It is full of all her favorite things...gardening, recipes, and just plain relaxing. Here is her summer picnic page...

So cute!!

And now, for the best thing we ate this had to be the huge, blue snow cone we all shared on our last day at Cedar Point. It was delicious because we were hot, it cost a million dollars so it had to be good and it was shared between four cousins (with parents sneaking tastes here and there). ☺

Isn't it pretty?? And check out these blue tongues! Very festive! 

Making memories! Lulu and the blond guy are mine, the two older boys are my sister's, along with the two year old niece who I stroller sat. ☺
Cousins are the's so fun for them to get together. I can't believe my nephew in the the front with the dark hair will be a senior in high school this fall!! Time does fly!
Happy 4th!!

1 comment:

  1. Cedar Point is fun- I used to live in OH and visited there a few times. How fun to have memory books! Now I live in South Africa and we have one theme park where I live, Cape Town, called Ratanga Junction. I haven't been inside, but it looks like there is only one large roller coaster. Cannot compare to Cedar Point!
    I'm a new follower!


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