Sunday, December 5, 2010

Our 100th Post!!

Wow! So excited that we have made it this far already!!

On our 100th post we wanted to reminisce a bit and say THANK YOU to all of our readers! You don't get to 10,820 blog views in 6 months with just us reading!

First let's recap. It all began with a birthday cake (which of course wasn't even the real thing). You've baked with us, cried with us, laughed and learned with us. You survived dollhouse frenzy, which is a miracle in itself: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7). By the way, it's not over. Muahahaa!

Lately you've found us quite magnetizing, with over 5,000 hits just in the last month. For that, we owe ya'll. Big time!

And now, the funnies.
Blogger stats make us laugh. Here are a few that tickled us pink!
  • decorating dollhouse strange (Hopefully they got some good information from our blog and nothing "strange"!)
  • pumpkins with everything nice inside (perhaps they were looking for something like this and instead found J's post?)
  • seven sisters t-shirt (We wish!)
  • the large frame is a photo (question or statement, we'll never know...hopefully they found S' post!)
  • what Gap does with their fabric scraps (no idea, but we know what we'd do with 'em!)
  • meatloaf shaped like a mummy (someone was looking for some scary food ideas! Isn't meatloaf scary enough though? Hope they found Nel's post!)
Gotta love Google!

Basically we just want all our readers to know how thankful we are for you. You make us smile every day by reading, commenting, following, ♥'ing, etc. We've been pleasantly surprised with readers from all over the globe! And to you we give a big What's up to Canada (heh heh), Merhaba to Turkey, Hallo to Germany, Ahoy to Australia across the sea, Cheeri-o to the UK, Hola to Spain, Bonjour to France and Ciao to Italy!! (Apologies if we forgot your country!)

Leave us a comment and help us get to know YOU! We'd love to check out your blogs and inspiration as well! Looking forward to 1♥♥'s of more posts to come!

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