Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jesus Loves Me....

I've been decorating my daughter's room since the summer. I don't know why it's taking me forever... Probably because, of course, I have to make every little thing that goes in there myself, even if they sell it on the shelves at Target for half the price... (Like I said, I have a (serious) problem.) Anyhoo, I want it to be PERFECT for her. I picked out the paint color (Sleeping Beauty Pink, from Disney Paint)... It's the perfect pink-- slightly bublegum-ish, but not to abrasive to the eye. (Props to "the Patriot" for a paint job well done!) Other than the paint on the wall, and her beautious white chair rail, it's been a big fat blank slate.

My new year resolution: TO FINISH HER ROOM BY SPRING.

I was inspired by J's dollhouse table and my daughter's extreme love for the song "Jesus Loves Me" for my first craft. (She sings it all day long, but it NEVER get's old!)

I painted the wood board in "Robbins Egg" blue... at first it was too dark, so i had to add some white paint to dull it down just a tad...

Then I just Mod Podge'd some Heidi Grace precut Letters on... and then Sealed with another coat of the Modge. Viola... some easy peasy personalized art for my Lucci. (that's been her nickname since birth.. In it's full form, BabbaLucci.)

I also covered the three precut wood flowers for her to hang her towels, purses, necklaces, etc, on. I just traced the flower on to scrapbook paper and modge'd it on to the flowers and sealed with another coat.

While I was at it...

I am waiting for The Patriot to hang these all up... so I will post the pictures next week. J and I have something up our sleeves that we'll be working on this weekend. I cannot wait to see how it comes out! The Patriot has forbidden me to Bedazzle her wall, so I'm going to have to work on him over the next few days.

This room will get done.. it will get done.... it WILL get done-- Lord willing.

"Jesus loves me! He who died,
Heaven's gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in."


  1. this looks like it has awesome potential! Can't wait for afters! ~*S*~

  2. E, I really love the frame with the k on it, that is super cute. Can't wait to see everything on the walls...keep us posted! Nel ☺

  3. Thank you, Ladies! :) Have a good week! ~E


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