Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day and Cupcakes and...Christmas Lights?

Yippee Yea! We FINALLY had a snow day on Wednesday, I say "we" because a day off from school for the kiddos also means a day off from getting them ready for school and helping with homework for Mom! It was a nice, middle-of-the-week break. Thanks snow and freezing rain!

We stayed in our jammies and watched a Disney channel movie...okay, we actually watched three in a row but don't tell! We ate warm soup for lunch in front of the TV. Lulu took a nap, she had a little cold and was feeling kinda under the weather. CJ wanted to play outside but alas, his snow pants and boots were at school! How ironic! The Fourth grade is in the middle of their skiing unit in gym class and all the students must bring winter wear for cross country skiing and snow shoeing. So, being the middle of the week, all his stuff was still at school! Poor boy, he found some video games to play instead.

In the afternoon, Lulu decided she wanted to make something. We thought cupcakes would be a yummy treat. Being the prepared mom (hoarder) that I am we went shopping in the unruly pantry. I am going to clean that space out SOON, I seriously am. Anyway, cake mix? Check. Frosting? Check. Cute Valentine's Day cupcake papers? Oh yea! Check, I am good. Valentine's Day sprinkles and sugar for decorating? Check. So off she went, and made some very pretty, very "Lulu pink" cupcakes! And since the last thing I need in my house are 24 cupcakes calling to me all day long, I  drove them to school on Thursday so Lulu could share them with her friends at lunch! She shared them with her teachers too. Lulu got a kick out of that, she said in elementary school when the kids would pass out birthday treats, some of the teachers would politely say "no thank you". The Middle School teachers were like "OH MY GOSH, A CUPCAKE!!!!! OF COURSE I WILL HAVE ONE!!!" Apparently when you have to deal with 12-14 year old students all day your concern with sugar and calories goes right out the window! Too funny! ☺
So, the Wednesday snow day is definitely our smile for the week!! My frown for the week is actually making me laugh. I strung Christmas lights on a row of five shrubs in the back yard. They are plugged in on the back deck and we just left them plugged in and on 24/7 all through December...and January...and I said (sadly) that I PROMISED I would unplug them on February 1st. I am not holding on to Christmas, I just think they look really pretty and they make me happy when I look out my kitchen window at night. They are festive people, festive. They help me deal with all this COLD and SNOW! But, we have now received a few comments (in fun) from people in the neighborhood and now I feel like they just make us look lazy. So, I tried to turn them off, but guess what? I can't get into the back yard!! Ha ha, I am serious, the sliding door to the deck opens but the screen door will not slide because there is too much snow and I certainly don't want to force it and risk breaking it. So, then I tried getting in the backyard from outside but the gates to the pool yard swing in and there is so much snow they won't budge! Hee hee I do think this is kinda funny. I could probably dig the gate free but I prefer to stay inside and look at my lights!



Please leave us comments because it makes us feel all fuzzy inside.


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